Tabletops are usually ¼’ thick, but do vary from 3/8” to ½” in thickness. They can come tempered (safety glass) or annealed. Tempered glass takes about 5 days to get once ordered. Annealed glass we have in stock and can cut according to the template taken or measurements given. Tabletops have polished edges which are smooth round edges. The popular colors are clear, grey and bronze. If you have a difficult project, call our office and we can come out to make a template.
Glass shelves can come either tempered (safety) or annealed and come in thicknesses from ¼” to ½” thick. Tempered glass is heat treated making it much stronger than annealed glass and takes about 5 days once ordered. Annealed glass is glass we have in stock and can cut in the shop and takes about 2 to 3 days depending on our workload.
Glass shelves can come in a variety of colors. Clear, gray and bronze are the most popular. There are two types of edges to choose from. Polished edges are the smoother rounded edges, which people usually have for the edges that will be exposed. Seamed edges are just a quick polish to make it not sharp.
Be sure to see our unusual bent glass shelves!